Friday, September 16, 2011

Recommendation about Japanese culture for foreigners

If you ask recommendation about Japanese culture for Japanese people, many people would recommend old city such as Kyoto or Nara.   Japanese people always value traditional things.   It is an important Japanese culture so you should visit old town to know how Japanese people value traditions and how beautiful Japanese old town is.    Kyoto and Nara are actually nice place to know Japanese culture, but I guess you've already been there or plan to visit there.   So I introduce other good place to learn Japanese culture.

(, 富田林市観光協会HP)

This is Zinaimachi(寺内町) in Tondabayashi city where I live.   Zinaimachi is beautiful old town which was built in 1558.   This town has many “Machiya”, old Japanese style housing, in good condition, so visitors can feel like visiting in Edo era.   These Machiya was built in quite different way from present way.   In Edo era, there were still some "Ninja" in Japan, so each Machiya has interesting defensive measures against Ninja.   If you visit Zinaimachi, try to find out some of them, it must be fun for those who like Ninja. 

杉山邸 ”Sugiyama-tei” is the most famous Machiya building in Zinaimachi.   Ishigami Tsuyuko, famous tanka poet, was born in this house.   This Sugiyama-tei is registered as Important Cultural Properties by national government.    You can enter Sugiyama-tei by paying 400 yen and enjoy looking inside!!
This is 城之門筋 “Jounomon road” which is registered as one of the best road.   This road is decorated beautifully with Japanese lantern every summer.  

These Machiya buildings and beautiful road are, of course, very nice culture of Japan, but I really want you to feel their mood in traditional Japanese town.  When you visit some old Japanese town, try to feel their invisible things.     

1 comment:

  1. Great recommendation! I hope students will check this place out in addition to visiting the usual touristy places. Since you live there, I look forward to your next post on your neighborhood.

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